
In recent decades sulfur has been deceted as a limiting nutrient in agricultural crops (SCHERER 2001). More intensive agriculture increases the demand for sulfur on agricultural land.
Sulfur defiency symptoms incanola, left: with S defiecy symptoms right: with suffienct S supply (Zorn et al. 2013)
The growing world population and an associated increase in food demand are increasing the pressure on agricultural production. A redu ced sulfur input exist into the atmosphere.
Sulfur defiency smptoms in red clover, left: with S defiency symptoms; right: with suffienct S supply (Zorn al. 2013)
Because of the steady decline in sulfur inputs from air and precipilation and the ongoing removal through harvest, there is no doubt that special attention will have to be paid to the sulfur supply to srops.
Sulphur deficiency:
Lower chlorophyll content (lightening of (younger) leaves)
Reduced photosynthesis
Lower protein content higher nitrate content
Poorer taste (Allium species)
Reduced baking quality of careals
Sulphur improves crop quality in many ways:
Increasing the oil content of seeds. Increasing protein percentage in plants and harvested produce.
Improving nutritional quality of forages by proving a balanced N:S ratio. Improving starch content of tubers.
Omproving baking quality of wheat.
Increasing sugar recovery in sugarcane.
Enhancing marketability of copra (coconut kernel).
Plant Analysis
Plant analysis is carried out by standard analytical methods. Normally leaves of cereal plants containing less than. 0.2 percent sulphur are considered to be deficient in sulphur and require sulphur application for optimal grownth and yield production. The optimal sulphur concentration in growing plants is usually higher for legumes and cruciferous crops than for cereals.